An Aromatic Life – Episode 30 – Living with Parosmia
Have you listened to the latest episode of the ‘An Aromatic Life’ podcast? Fifth Sense Ambassador Frauke Galia who is a Certified Level II Aromatherapist, smell coach and teacher who has spent her career in Perfumery sits down to discuss the mental and physical challenges that having parosmia can cause with Aba Williams @smellsyouremember , Megan Abernathy @parosmia_nutritionist , and Thelma Poupazi @paranosemia.
“In this episode, Frauke sits down with Aba Williams, Megan Abernathy, and Thelma Poupazi to talk about parosmia, the condition of having a distorted sense of smell.
This is an honest conversation about the physical and mental challenges of living with smell distortions.
Each woman shares her personal parosmia story, revealing not only how it changed their relationship with food, friends & family, and navigating everyday smells around them, but also the mental toll it takes, and the support that’s needed, to make it through the journey.
This conversation will leave you feeling it all! The heartache, the struggles, the hope, and most importantly the determination to make it through to the other side.
Like millions of people living with parosmia, these women are a true inspiration for their courage and willingness to share their story in the hope that it brings awareness and healing for their community.
Make sure to listen all the way to the end because these ladies have a message for all of us who can smell.”
To listen to this episode, please click the link provided –