Carl Hughes: Lets Talk Smell and Taste loss
In 2019 I had the unfortunate circumstance to collapse at home and crack my skull.
What I did not expect was a loss of almost all of 2 of my 5 sense’s.
When did I first know? Well that’s where our work (as a emergency services worker) comes in to play, I was walking to an appointment at the time when my partner went “oh my gosh can you smell that?”, me looking blankly back at her, was met with the reply “I thought you could smell Cannabis a mile off!”.
“I can, why?” Well turns out the house we were stood next to was a factory… I couldn’t smell a thing.
To start the discussion, I am curious how many of you out there have been affected by the recent pandemic and lost your sense of smell and taste? When I recently mentioned to my friends that I am an Ambassador for Fifth Sense (the charity for people affected by smell and taste disorders), I had 4 colleagues reach out to me who were still suffering from this frustrating problem over a year after having had Covid.
So how many more of you are there?
How does it affect home life?
How does it affect work life? I am especially curious if it has directly had an affect on an aspect of your work? Like the Cannabis smell above! Or the smell of alcohol on the breath of a drink drive?
What are your experiences? Can I help with extra information?
Written by Carl Hughes
To raise awareness about smell and taste disorders in his work place