Fifth Sense National Conference
- 4 November 2023
9:30 am - 5:15 pm
About the Conference
This year’s conference will be held at Sheffield Hallam University on Saturday 4th November, and is a great opportunity for anyone with a smell or taste disorder and family members to meet others, share experiences, learn more about your condition and find out about latest advances in research.
We also welcome health and social care professionals and researchers to attend to learn more about how these sensory impairments impact people’s lives and what can be done to improve support. We will also hear from leading researchers about the latest research in this country and around the world.
The morning session is focused on sharing personal experiences and coping strategies, hosted by Fifth Sense volunteer Tom Laughton, who leads our #LetsTalkSmellAndTaste virtual support sessions. We’ll then be joined by psychologist Dr Rachel Herz, author of books such as the Scent of Desire, who will be giving a talk about the psychology of smell disorders.
Following a fantastic lunch, with a menu designed to stimulate all of our senses and be enjoyed by Fifth Sense members, we’ll be hearing about latest developments in smell and taste research. Firstly, Steven Munger, Director of the University of Florida Center for Smell and Taste, will be talking about a new project the Center is undertaking to understand how smell function varies over time and under different conditions, a key step in making smell and taste testing a standard part of healthcare.
We’ll then be joined virtually by Otolaryngologist Nicholas Rowan from John Hopkins University, who’ll be sharing his research into the role of the sense of smell in ageing. Fifth Sense trustee Prof Carl Philpott will then be giving us an update on the Fifth Sense Research Hub and introducing some of the projects we are involved in, including a report on the i-Smell project, which involves people trialling a digital smell training device in their homes.
We’re very excited to welcome Dr Graham Wynne, co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of pharmaceutical company Rhino Therapeutics. Graham, who also sits on our advisory board, will be sharing Rhino’s mission to develop transformative regenerative therapies for people living with age-related olfactory loss. This promises to be another very exciting talk.
There will also be the opportunity to get an update on the charity’s progress and future plans from Chief Executive and founder Duncan Boak and members of the board of trustees, and we’ll round off the day by celebrating the contributions of our wonderful volunteers.
We’ve priced the tickets at a significantly lower rate to our 2021 conference to make the event as inclusive and accessible as possible. ‘Early bird’ tickets, at £16 per person, are available until 1st September, after which they’ll be £21 (which includes the cost of lunch and refreshments). If you can afford to pay more, then please consider making a donation to the Fifth Sense Development Fund here and help us grow our support and information services, educational activity and support vital research.