Fifth Sense Activities in 2019
A very Happy New Year from all of us at Fifth Sense! We’ve got a lot planned for 2019, here are some of the highlights. If you’d like to be kept informed then please join our community to receive regular news updates. All the very best for the year ahead.
Launching a survey to capture patients’ experiences of navigating the healthcare system
We know that many people affected by a smell or taste disorder face real challenges in getting support, advice or treatment from their doctors. The data captured by this survey will provide valuable evidence to support our work in improving awareness and understanding amongst the medical profession. Look out for further details in due course.
Delivering events that provide patients with information from experts, support and advice on how to better cope with a smell or taste disorder
On 17-19th May we’re co-delivering SmellTaste2019 in Gainesville, Florida, in partnership with the University of Florida Center for Smell and Taste. SmellTaste2019 is the major US educational/support event aimed at people with smell and taste impairments. Visit for further details.
We’ll be following this in autumn with our UK Members Conference which we’ve been running since 2013 and on which the format of the SmellTaste event is based. We’re giving our members a say in where we hold this year’s event, with Birmingham, Leeds and Newcastle the potential locations we’ve selected. You can cast your vote here.
Providing support and advice for people by releasing more of our ‘Top Tips for Living with a Smell or Taste Disorder’ leaflets
Our Top Tips sheets are based on advice provided by Fifth Sense members based on their own experience of living with a smell or taste disorder. You can download them here. We’ll be making more leaflets available to download over the coming months.
Continue developing a Taste Training kit and guide with our partners FlavorActiV to help people affected by olfactory loss get more enjoyment from food and drink.
A group of Fifth Sense member volunteers will start testing the latest version of the Taste Training Kit early in 2019. We’ll look forward to sharing more information with you very soon!
Continue providing opportunities for our members to meet up, make new friends and get mutual support
We currently have two support groups established, one in Newcastle upon Tyne, the other in Scotland, run by our fantastic volunteers Joanne and Julie. These hold regular get-togethers and social events. Fifth Sense member Dan Kunkle is also planning on holding his annual lunchtime ‘Anosmic Smorgasbord’ in Cambridge in May/June. Look out for further details!
Engaging directly with healthcare professionals to improve awareness and understanding
We’re planning on having a stand at the 2019 British Rhinologic Society meeting in Glasgow. These events are attended by Ear Nose and Throat doctors who specialise in diseases of the nose and sinuses. It’s a great opportunity to raise awareness of the impact that smell and taste disorders have on patients and the work that Fifth Sense is doing to help those affected. disorders.