Fifth Sense delivering training sessions for NHS Post-Covid Services

Over the last few months, Fifth Sense has been delivering a series of education and training sessions to over 30 NHS Post-Covid Services across the country.
This is a significant development for the services and has been a fantastic opportunity for us to talk about the impact that smell and taste dysfunction has on the health, wellbeing and safety of those living with a poor, altered or no sense of smell.
We have virtually travelled around the country from Cardiff, over to Newcastle and down to London and Kent, and quite a few places in between!
The teams include physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dieticians, GPs and other healthcare professionals. The feedback we’re receiving on the sessions has been excellent and the teams tell us that we’re really helping them to better understand and support the patients they are seeing.
‘It was an excellent session. Lots of information and resources that we can pass onto the patients we see. I now have a much better understanding of how this affects people, thank you.’ – Nottinghamshire Healthcare MDT member
This work is part of our project funded by Cadent.
As part of the sessions, we’re delivering important information on staying safe and well at home, with a poor, altered or no sense of smell.