Fifth Sense launches a Smell and Taste Action Group in Birmingham

Wednesday, 17 July 2024, was a significant day for Fifth Sense as we launched our first Smell and Taste Action Group (STAG) in Birmingham.
The aim of STAGs is to enable people affected by smell and taste disorders to come together to:
- Share stories with like-minded individuals to give and get support
- Drive collective action towards a more inclusive society, with a specific focus on raising awareness about the impact of smell and taste disorders and the need for increased support
- Raise funds to support the group’s activities
The inaugural Birmingham event saw 18 people affected by smell and taste disorders come together with medical professionals from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, and members of the Fifth Sense team.
Led by a team of seven volunteers who were supported by Fifth Sense, this event marked the start of our plans to build regional communities where discussions and information sharing can take place in a safe space with people who understand the challenges faced.
Sally Connick, Fifth Sense Community Development Officer, said: “I’d like to thank St. Philips Chambers for supporting this event by generously providing the meeting space and refreshments.
“I’d also like to thank our volunteers who gave up their time to arrange the meetup, reaching out to attendees from across the Midlands who joined us to begin building our first regional community.”
The event concluded with the group agreeing to hold further meet-ups, focusing on raising awareness and collectively tackling the lack of understanding from some medical professionals, an area the group is passionate about.
Feedback from the group was positive, with one attendee commenting, “I was made to feel very welcome, and for once not treated like a nuisance or just someone who’s moaning!”
Next steps for Fifth Sense STAGs
Thanks to a grant from The National Lottery Community Fund, the Birmingham group is the first of many Fifth Sense plans to launch.
We have received interest in setting up STAGs from other areas of the country, including Watford and Northampton, so please join Fifth Sense for the latest updates.
If you’d like to volunteer to set up a group in your local area, with support from Fifth Sense, please take a look here or email Sally Connick at for more information.