Fifth Sense nominated charity for the inaugural Barnes Fragrance Fair

Our sense of smell really is essential to our lives, but what if you can’t appreciate fine fragrances, smell your loved ones, or detect dangers such as gas or smoke?
Fifth Sense, the charity for people affected by smell and taste disorders, is proud to be the nominated charity for the inaugural Barnes Fragrance Fair. The Fifth Sense team will be running some engaging smell-based activities on the day to highlight the different ways that smell plays a vital role in our lives and sharing information and resources to help those experiencing problems with their senses of smell and taste.
The Barnes Fragrance Fair is free and open to all and takes place on 20th May in London, and will present some of the best and most celebrated Independent fragrance brands from the UK in an engaging scented experience.
They will have local perfumer and globally successful brand founder Sarah McCartney from 4160 Tuesdays, who will be holding fragrance workshops throughout the day, where visitors can create their own scent. There will be talks with leading fragrance writers, perfumers and industry insiders covering how fragrance can help with mental health and wellness, as well as what fragrance ingredients look and smell like before they turn into perfume.
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