‘FIVE TIPS FOR…’ Video Series
As part of our “FIVE TIPS FOR…” video series, Frauke Galia Founder of FALK aromatherapy gives us her five tips for smell training using essential oils. Frauke is a Certified Level II Aromatherapist and smell coach who uses her experience and knowledge to support people on their smell training journeys.
Five Tips for Smell Training Using Essential Oils:
1) Sniff/Not Inhale
2) Use Jars
3) Familiar Smells
4) Four Distinct Smells
5) Smell Mindfully
For more information on these tips, please click the link provided and subscribe to our YouTube channel:
The purpose of this video series is to give people a resource that they can revert back to, to support them with their smell/taste disorder. Previously, we have had Fifth Sense ambassador Charlie Atkins discuss her five tips for living with anosmia and we have more videos to be released shortly that will provide people with further information and guidance.
If you would like to take part in this video series or have your own tips that you would like us to share, please contact us at info@fifthsense.org,uk