“It’s Like Walking Around in a Bubble”… Smell Disorders Are Not Just Covid

This morning, Fifth Sense Director of Medical and Research Affairs, Prof. Carl Philpott was joined by Fifth Sense volunteers and advocates, Tom Laughton and Ruth Sullivan in talking to Eamonn Holmes and Isabel Webster on their breakfast show. Whilst smell disorders have very much been a feature of the Covid-19 pandemic, they are not a new phenomena. We are often discussing the unintended benefit of awareness that this virus has brought to the cause. News outlets however, tend to focus on the present and the current. Hyposmia from a head injury or anosmia with no known reason don’t (in the fast paced media world) have the same interest or even “excitement” about them. Not for us. And not this morning. Fifth Sense are here for anyone who needs us, for whatever reason they need us and for however long they need us. For #allthosmias. Tom and Ruth, as people affected by non-Covid smell disorders, share how their experience affects their life. Our thanks to them all for the work they do to help us deliver education and improve awareness.