Food Always Tastes Nicer Outdoors…

Or so Enid Blyton always said. And I believe her – even more after last weekend’s camping expedition!
So we didn’t enjoy the Famous Five’s lashings of ginger beer with slabs of fruit cake but I have to say, my special breakfast came a pretty close second. Cooked on a couple of gas rings there were potatoes fried with onion, smoked bacon, Cumberland sausages, mushrooms, tomatoes, fried eggs and – as some of my friends might say – the piéce de resistance: Pimped Beans. The humble baked bean, made spicy and delicious with the addition of paprika, mixed herbs, salt, black pepper and liberal dollops of Worcestershire Sauce. Full of umami and just yummy. (Once I used Cayenne Pepper instead of paprika by mistake… But that’s another story.)
On the subject of seasoning, Pam writes:
My naughty son who loves his food has given me a deadly good seasoning called Herbamare – a mix of pure sea salt infused with organic herbs and vegetables, including celery, leek, cress, onion, chives, parsley, lovage, garlic, basil, marjoram, rosemary, thyme and kelp with no msg, lactose, gluten etc.. And it’s wonderful! Enjoy!
And Veronica wrote to say:
I find that putting fruit in the microwaves for 30 seconds brings out the taste. I can now taste strawberries and cherries again after 30 years.
Both excellent top tips, thank you!