Smell and Taste Symposium 2023

This two-day event (11-12th May) is perfect for clinicians and researchers interested in olfaction, gustation and chemosensory disorders. In addition to lectures, there will be practical demonstrations and interactive workshops for attendees to get involved in. The symposium will be a hybrid format enabling those to attend in person or online via Zoom. CPD points will be awarded for each day of attendance. Lunch and refreshments will also be provided for those attending in person, with an optional course dinner on the Thursday at the Assembly House, Norwich.

This year promises to build upon the success of last year’s event, focussing on patient perspectives and presentations from global experts in the field of smell and taste. Professor Carl Philpott, Professor of Rhinology and Olfactology at the University of East Anglia will be speaking, in addition to Prof Thomas Hummel, Assoc. Prof Matt Lechner, Prof Eric Holbrook, Dr Julien Hseih, Miss Lisha McClelland, Mr Simon Gane, Dr Saber Sami and Prof Antje Welge-Lüssen. Topics covered in the programme include the latest information on investigations, chemosensory testing, current and future management strategies and research priorities.
For further information and information on how to book, please go to the website:
Contact: Kay Tate
Telephone: +44 (0)1603 593061
Twitter: @carlphilpott
Award: 4 CPD points per day (TBC)