Debs Davies
I’m Debs.
I’m a congenital anosmic, and Fifth Sense ambassador.
I am a consultant & coach who is passionate about helping people who have invisible disabilities or challenges. I help them with their emotional wellbeing and I also advise organisations how to create more inclusive workplaces where everyone can thrive.
We know that smell/taste disorders impact every aspect of a person’s life, including their emotional wellbeing. I’d never met anyone else who couldn’t smell until I came across Fifth Sense and being involved has brought me a community of people with a shared experience & understanding of the issues we face.
This is why I’m passionate about the important work that Fifth Sense does in providing awareness, tools and support and I’m proud to be an ambassador.
I have a very practical approach to mindfulness which blends my personal experience of anosmia with my professional skills. My aim is to create accessible, everyday ways that mindfulness can help support people to live with a smell/taste disorder and cope with the challenges and opportunities that brings.
I have presented Mindfulness sessions as part of the #LetsTalkSmellAndTaste online conversations and at local Hub meetings and I hope to provide support to people just like me as part of my role.