Guest Post
My name is Emily Spencer, and I am a postgraduate research student from the School of Applied Sciences at Edinburgh Napier University. I am currently running a project that will investigate the best approach for recovering a lost sense of smell, with the main goal of developing a multisensory smell retraining programme.
I am looking for participants that are currently experiencing post-infectious or post-traumatic smell loss that has lasted more than 3 months to take part in a training- based experiment. This study is based on existing smell training programmes (e.g., Hummel et al, 2009) and involves simply sniffing a set of odours twice a day for a duration of 16 weeks. If you would like to participate in this study, you will be asked to provide your age, sex, cause and duration of your smell loss. This information will not be linked to any identifying information and is only collected so that we can describe the demographics of our participants. You will be invited to a laboratory at Edinburgh Napier University (Sighthill Campus) once every two weeks for the duration of the study to take part in a smell test. At the initial testing session, smell training kits will be provided for you to take home with you.
Please note that in order to take part in this study, you need to be over 18 years old and not have a neurodegenerative condition (due to the perceptual nature of the tasks).
If you would like to sign up for this study, or request more information, please contact Emily Spencer at
Further Information and registration are also available at this link