Theophylline survey
We are currently collecting information about the treatment of Post Viral Olfactory Loss (PVOL: loss of sense of smell after a cold or other viral infection).
There have been some limited trials of medicines which may improve the sense of smell for PVOL sufferers. However, there is almost no feedback on the longer-term effects which patients may have experienced from them. One such medicine is Theophylline. If you have been prescribed this as part of PVOL treatment at any time we would very much like you to contact us and complete a short, confidential survey which we will send to you. If you are currently taking Theophylline, we would also like you to record some information in a diary, which we would also send.
From this information we hope to gain a better understanding of the benefit, or otherwise, of this medicine and the overall results will help to guide future research into the treatment of PVOL. In particular, if there is good evidence of benefit, this could be used to support the case for a new, controlled trial of Theophylline in PVOL treatment. If you are able to help then please contact us at