Video: Duncan Boak interviews AChemS President Prof Steve Munger – part one
I’ve been in contact with Prof Steven D. Munger since mid-2015. Steve is Director of the University of Florida Center for Smell and Taste (UFCST) and also the incoming President of AChemS. Not only did Steve play a large part in me being given the opportunity to represent those of us with smell and taste disorders at this year’s AChemS conference, the two of us are working together to organise SmellTaste2017, a new educational event hosted by the University of Florida in February 2017 aimed at people affected by chemosensory disorders.
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Whilst at AChemS we made time to sit down and film an interview/conversation about the work of AChemS and also looking ahead to SmellTaste2017. Here’s part one of the video which focuses on AChemS and how they can help Fifth Sense and the people we represent.
Best wishes,