World Alzheimer Day – Tuesday 21st September 2021
Today is World Alzheimer Day, with this year marking the 10th anniversary since the campaign launched.
Alzheimer’s causes a gradual decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills. These symptoms can become worse as time passes due to Alzheimer’s being a progressive disease and at Fifth Sense we recognise and show our support for the people impacted by this condition and other neurological brain disorders. Some studies show that changes in the sense smell/taste could be an early indicator of Alzheimer’s and may help people receive an official diagnosis sooner. Being prepared and understanding the changes that Alzheimer’s can have on your life or a loved one’s life early can make the transition (although still incredibly difficult) more manageable. Fifth Sense hopes to help raise awareness about this important day and encourage individuals to seek medical advice if they deem necessary. Please see the resources below for more information about this disease:
Alzheimer’s disease on the NHS website: Alzheimer’s disease – NHS (
Alzheimer’s Society – United Against Dementia: World Alzheimer’s Month | Alzheimer’s Society (
Alzheimer’s Disease International: World Alzheimer’s Month | Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) (
Dementia UK: World Alzheimer’s Month – Dementia UK